
Hickory Sun

Thursday, March 6, 2025

How much did Citizens for Destin Hall spend in December 2022 to be biggest spender in cities associated with Caldwell County?

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Citizens for Destin Hall spent the most out of political committees within cities associated with Caldwell County during December 2022.

It spent $8,090 on 10 vendors during the time period.

The largest expense was for Other Expenses to Marc Seelinger Jr., which is based in Belmont.

The second largest political spend from a political committee operating in a city associated with Caldwell County during December 2022 came from Caldwell Republican Party. It spent $3,867 during the time period on four different vendors.

The highest amount received by a North Carolina candidate in 2022 was nearly $32 million.

Political campaign financial data is often updated, leading to a sometimes incomplete picture of a committee or candidate's finances.

Top Expenditures from North Carolina Political Committees based in cities associated with Caldwell County during December 2022
CommitteeExpendituresPaid Vendors
Citizens for Destin Hall$8,09010
Caldwell Republican Party$3,8674
Committee to Elect Ray Pickett$2,5865
Catawba Republican Party$1,0425
Catawba County League of Republican Women$3803
Judge Hayes Superior Court Committee$2782
Caldwell Democratic Party$1623
Catawba RBF$101
Aycock for Judge$51
Elect Barbara Kirby$31
Caldwell County Republican Party Building Fund$31
Committee to Elect Elaine Setzer-Maxwell$11